Object-Based Learning

Object-Based Learning
Ever rushed past a work of art in a hurry? Many of us do, only glancing for a few seconds. But imagine the possibilities when we dedicate time, five minutes, a half-hour, or more, to focus on just one thing. That’s what The CORE is all about.
In The CORE, we use object-based learning (OBL), an educational approach that places artworks at the center of the learning experience, to encourage visitors to slow down and look closely.
OBL emphasizes up-close experiences with material objects and facilitates deep thinking with, through, and about art. All objects displayed in The CORE serve as primary resources and offer a potent teaching tool to spark meaningful dialogue and inquiry. Along the way, students sharpen essential skills such as perspective-taking and critical-thinking, which are invaluable in any field of study. OBL engagements are experiential and multi-sensory, empowering students to nurture curiosity and contemplate the world around them.