Michael Ross: En Passant is organized by the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University and curated by Marc-Olivier Wahler, Director. Support for this exhibition is provided by the Alan and Rebecca Ross endowed exhibitions fund and the MSU Broad’s general exhibitions fund.
About the Exhibition
Since the early 1990s, Michael Ross has created small-scale sculptures from salvaged flotsam and jetsam. These sculptures, which generally consist of two or three assembled materials, present minuscule amalgamations of overlooked everyday objects: thimbles, paper clips, springs, bits of foam and plastic, metal pieces from a wide variety of instruments, wire and string, and every manner of fastener and fixture. Although small, Ross’s works are not about “miniaturization,” but rather present themselves as enigmatic and associative assemblages that create a universe within the space of a few inches.