Broad Underground: Larissa Sansour’s Sci-Fi Trilogy
Broad Underground: Here, There, Nowhere, Anywhere
Join us for a screening of Larissa Sansour’s Sci-Fi Trilogy at this Broad Underground event! Sansour’s films offer a dystopian exploration of outer space, the nation state, archaeology, and history. REGISTER Programmed by Rachel Winter, Assistant Curator at the MSU Broad Art Museum. Discussion with Rachel Winter to follow. This event is co-sponsored by the MSU Muslim Studies Program, MSU Global Studies in the Arts and Humanities, and the MSU Center for Gender in a Global Context. Broad Underground is an ongoing collaboration between the MSU Broad Art Museum and the MSU Film Studies Program. This series presents experimental film, video, and new media screenings and encourages conversation around the topics featured.
MSU Wells Hall
619 Red Cedar Rd
East Lansing, MI 48824
619 Red Cedar Rd
East Lansing, MI 48824
619 Red Cedar Rd